Innovation and precision in therapeutic treatments

Usable in 2 modes: Free Therapy and Protocols, ENF Pro is the ideal Device for the professional thanks to the fully configurable software
ENF Pro + carrello + sonda
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In the field of physiotherapy it is possible to obtain unique results thanks to advanced technologies that revolutionize traditional treatments.

Imagine being able to transmit a signal to biological tissue that stimulates cellular activity and promotes tissue regeneration without generating heat and without causing thermal damage. This is possible thanks to ENF, an innovative technology that maximizes results, preserving tissues and ensuring biological safety.

2 hours of battery life
Batterie ENF Pro
Perform treatments even on the go
Borsa + pullman

Software Modules

ENF Pro is a Device that can be completely configured according to the medical specialty of the professional, thanks to the possibility of installing up to 8 software modules.

ENF Pro is the right accessory at the right time

ENF Pro is equipped with specific accessories, some of which allow for treatment
automatic independent of the operator. An ENF Therapy session can be performed in a static or dynamic way and associated with great effectiveness with Manual Therapy, Osteopathic treatment, the application of Tape, without particular unwanted side effects.

Its characteristic versatility makes it an ideal medical device for all pathologies typical of sports rehabilitation.


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Accessories for ENF Pro

It improves the patient experience and increases the productivity of the treatment. Make the difference!

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